Is Date Possible?

Is Date Possible?

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Imti has two lists, each containing single-digit numbers. He wants to know if it’s possible to create all the dates from 01 to 31 using these two lists. Here's how he forms a date:

He picks one digit from the first list.
He picks one digit from the second list.
He combines the two digits (first digit followed by the second digit) to form a two-digit number.

For example:
If the first list is [0, 1, 2] and the second list is [1, 2, 3], Imti can form dates like 01, 12, and 23.

However, he cannot form a date like 04 because 4 is not in either list.

Can Imti use the digits in these two lists to form all dates from 01 to 31?


The first line T, (1<=T <=1000)- number of test case.

In each test case contains following line:

The first line contains two integers, 𝑁 and 𝑀 ( 1 ≀ 𝑁 , 𝑀 ≀ \(10^5\) ) representing the sizes of the two lists.

The second line contains 𝑁 integers, the elements of the first list 𝑋 ( 0 ≀ 𝑋 ≀ 9 )

The second line contains 𝑀 integers, the elements of the first list π‘Œ ( 0 ≀ π‘Œ ≀ 9 )

Sum of N over all test cases doesn't exceed \(10^5\).
Sum of M over all test cases doesn't exceed \(10^5\).


In each test case, print "YES" if it's possible to form all dates from 01 to 31, otherwise print "NO".


Input Output

5 10
9 3 5 1 4
4 4 9 6 0 3 6 8 4 0
4 2
3 0 4 1
7 9
11 4
7 8 0 6 4 8 9 9 8 8 5
9 0 6 5
20 10
4 6 4 5 1 8 0 7 3 9 5 5 8 9 2 4 5 8 4 3
7 3 2 4 9 5 8 0 1 6
20 7
4 8 5 2 1 8 9 7 1 5 6 1 6 0 4 6 1 4 1 9
2 9 9 7 2 9 1


Happy New Year 2025

Not Attended
Start at
2025-01-02 14:30
End at
2025-01-02 17:00
2.5 hour(s)