def min_operations_to_zero(A, B):
# Initialize the count of operations
count = 0
# Continue the operation until either A or B becomes zero
while A > 0 and B > 0:
# Update the maximum of A and B
max_val = max(A, B)
min_val = min(A, B)
# Update the value of max(A, B)
A = abs(max_val - min_val)
B = min_val
# Increment the count of operations
count += 1
# Add the remaining operations if one of them is not zero
count += max(A, B)
return count
# Number of test cases
T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
# Input for each test case
A, B = map(int, input().split())
# Find and print the minimum number of operations
result = min_operations_to_zero(A, B)