def minimum_seconds_to_collect_apples(T, test_cases):
from sys import setrecursionlimit, stdin, stdout
from collections import deque, defaultdict
output = []
def dfs(node, parent, graph, visited, apples, distances):
visited[node] = True
max_dist = 0
max_node = node
for neighbor in graph[node]:
if not visited[neighbor]:
dist = dfs(neighbor, node, graph, visited, apples, distances)
if dist > max_dist:
max_dist = dist
max_node = neighbor
distances[node] = max_dist
return max_dist + 1
for case in test_cases:
N, apple_nodes, edges = case
if not any(apple_nodes):
graph = defaultdict(list)
for u, v in edges:
apples = [i for i in range(N) if apple_nodes[i]]
# Start DFS from the first apple node to find the farthest apple node
visited = [False] * N
distances = [0] * N
max_node = apples[0]
dfs(max_node, -1, graph, visited, apple_nodes, distances)
# Now find the farthest node from the previous farthest node
visited = [False] * N
distances = [0] * N
max_dist = dfs(max_node, -1, graph, visited, apple_nodes, distances)
output.append(str(max_dist - 1))
stdout.write("\n".join(output) + "\n")
# Sample input processing
import sys
input =
data = input().strip().split()
T = int(data[0])
index = 1
test_cases = []
for _ in range(T):
N = int(data[index])
index += 1
apple_nodes = list(map(int, data[index:index + N]))
index += N
edges = []
for _ in range(N - 1):
u = int(data[index]) - 1
v = int(data[index + 1]) - 1
edges.append((u, v))
index += 2
test_cases.append((N, apple_nodes, edges))
minimum_seconds_to_collect_apples(T, test_cases)