def main():
t = int(input()) # Number of test cases
for _ in range(t):
n, k = map(int, input().split()) # Read n and k
s = input() # Read string s
ans = 0
temp = k
p = list(s) # Copy the string to p as a list of characters (for mutability)
cntA = s.count('A') # Count occurrences of 'A' in the string
occA = []
# Traverse the string from the back and replace '?' with 'B'
for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
if temp == 0:
if s[i] == 'A':
cntA -= 1
if s[i] == '?':
p[i] = 'B'
temp -= 1
# Count 'B's in the modified string p
cntB = p.count('B')
tempB = cntB
# Calculate the initial answer
for i in range(n):
if p[i] == 'B':
tempB -= 1
if s[i] == 'A':
ans += tempB
answer = ans
pos = len(occA) - 1
newA = 0
# Update the answer based on occurrences of '?'
for i in range(n):
if pos < 0:
if s[i] == 'B':
cntB -= 1
if s[i] == '?':
ans -= occA[pos]
cntB -= 1
pos -= 1
ans += cntB
ans -= newA
newA += 1
answer = max(answer, ans)
if __name__ == "__main__":