Problem Solution

1 solutions

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    @ 2024-11-06 18:25:56

    From any node P, we can visit at max two child of node P. The reason is , when we step into the node P the node is visited once, then lets say we went to a child A and came back from the child so we visited the node P twice. Now we can just visit another child and can not come back to the node P again, otherwise P will be visited more than twice.

    Another important thing to notice is that when we go to visit the first child of P and willing to come back to P again we have to make sure that coming back to P does not require to visit any node more than twice. So we have to go through a straight path until we reach into a leaf node and come back to the P in the same path. In other words we will chose to visit only one child of each node until we reach into a leaf and then come back to P again by visiting some node twice. This way we can visit \(min(K , height[child])\) nodes.

    It can be shown that before entering the 2nd child of P it is always better to spend as many K (double visit) as possible. Because when we enter the 2nd child of P we can not go back to P again and the tree shrinks for us.

    Now come to the DP solution

    lets say dp[i][j] = answer for the subtree of node-j when we have i nodes that can be visited twice.

    transition : \(dp[i][j] = max(dp[i][j] , min(mxh,i) + dp[i-mxh][e] + 1)\) , for all i from 0 to K and for all edge e of node-j

    \(mxh\) = maximum height of all the child except the child e

    complexity : \(O(N*K)\)

    c++ code: thakuremon

    using namespace std;
    vector<int> g[200005];
    int height[200005] , dp[101][200005];
    int n,k;
    void dfs(int node,int par)
        height[node] = 0;
        for(int e:g[node])
            if(e==par) continue;
        int mx = 0;
        for(int e:g[node])
            if(e==par) continue;
            mx = max(mx , height[e]);
        height[node] = mx+1;
    void dpontree(int node,int par)
        int mxh=0,mxh2=0;
        for(auto e:g[node])
            if(e==par) continue;
            if(height[e] >= mxh)
                mxh2 = mxh;
                mxh = height[e];
            else if(height[e] > mxh2) mxh2 = height[e];
        for(auto e:g[node])
            if(e==par) continue;
        for(int i=0;i<=k;i++)
            dp[i][node] = 1;
            for(auto e:g[node])
                if(e==par) continue;
                if(height[e] == mxh)
                    dp[i][node] = max(dp[i][node] , min(mxh2,i) + dp[max(0,i-mxh2)][e] + 1);
                    dp[i][node] = max(dp[i][node] , min(mxh,i) + dp[max(0,i-mxh)][e] + 1);
    int main()
        cin >> n >> k;
        for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++)
            int u,v; cin >> u >> v;
        cout << dp[k][1] << endl;
  • 1


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